A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Back to normality

Firstly, yesterday's blip should have been Thursday's blip - I think because I posted via Androblip, it got confuddled, but I can't be bothered changing it. So, what I WAS going to blip yesterday is here - the story of the previous two days and how Jenny rescued me!.

Last night, I was knackered but also completely fraught, so it took ages for me to wind down. I required wine, Dave Grohl and chats with various people. I didn't get to sleep till after midnight, but then my body clearly decided that it was physically and emotionally exhausted, and so I slept until 4pm today. 16 hours sleep. It took me about 2 hours to wake up properly, in fact I am not sure that I am completely on the planet, but I am better than I was.

I have been perked up enormously by the prospect of two photo assignments. One is still to be discussed, but potentially will occur next weekend. The other is in development and involves a fire-eating performer. All very exciting and I am grateful to both of the people involved for giving me the opportunity to extend myself and actually do some photography with a real purpose instead of just tormenting people with my camera for the sake of it.

Tonight, I decided that we would try for a family portrait. Poor, deluded Sarah. Was it ever going to happen that Corin and James would be sensible for ten minutes in front of a camera. Apparently not - although there were some cracking, silly photos which probably actually sum the three of us up far better than a sensible posed portrait.

Life is returning to normal, the aftermath of last week will fade, and we will continue to do what we do best, at home and at work. As for those that shall not be mentioned....f*** 'em!

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