Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


The last two years have raced by! My little big boy turned 2 this week, and this afternoon I made him a celebratory cake. Please excuse the wonky windows - I Have never shaped and decorated a cake so fast in my life, with only a very small window of time between getting home from theme park and going out for dinner with friends. So far, he can differentiate between a mini, a beetle, a golf, a skoda fabia and octavia, campervan, sometimes a fiat 500 and suzuki swift and is just learning about different models of porsche. Any guesses what industry his Daddy works in?! Mini is the favourite at the moment, so I tried to sculpt the madeira into a mini but I think it's shape looks more like a suzuki swift. I'm pretty sure my boy recognises cars more by their 'face' anyway (ie headlights = eyes, reg = mouth) so I'm not sure he'll know it's meant as a mini 'cpz I haven't paid much attention to getting it's face right. I'm sure he'll enjoy eating it though.

Thanks everyone for entertaining my daftness yesterday - hit spotlight?! - ha ha :D Am rather surprised as it's probably the least effort I have ever put in to a blip, and only the second time I've been on the spotlight page (the first time was the one time someone else took the photo)! Keeps me humble I guess :-D

Also thanks for all the lovely comments people - really sorry I've been too chaotically busy to say much these last few days - I can't wait for an hour or so of uninterrupted blip-time to catch up with you all. Hopefully tomorrow!

Happy weekend,
Eat cake and be merry


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