
By appertunity

Gay pride & blipping

Had a great afternoon at Bradford Gay pride with my mum & a few African friends and even got to make a new friend & meet a fellow blipper in the form of yearofhappy!

We had a great chat discussing everything from today's rapture (looks like we are the ones in for a rough ride till October lol), sex education, hangovers, blipping (of course) to Nick Clegg's murder of the liberal party & we almost committed ourselves to a health food / photography stall at next years pride lol.

Plus we both met a local photographer & may end up on her a YouTube channel!

I do a fair bit of street photography which can involve a bit of subterfuge to get a natural shot so I did promised not to blip yearofhappy...

However I did kinda like this accidental photo of yearofhappy in action (& you can't tell who's actually taking the shot so hope it's OK)!

Hope the sequinned bears make your blip today!

Great fun & luckily the rain stayed away all day!

(By the way thanks again to yearofhappy for the lend of 'The year of magical thinking' by Joan Didion am looking forward to a good read hope I'm not weeping through it!)

I couldn't resist this blip today, police officer sucking on a lolly, quite glad I managed to capture his expression lol

A few other photos from the day here

For iphone photographers or those who like sci fi I also found a new novelty iPhone app that appeals to my sometimes macabre sense of humour.

It automatically recognises faces in photos and creates monsters from your friends as in this example HERE The faces are actually from a great 80's B movie called Them! The app is available on iTunes here

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