Dodge'y Blips

By RachelD

Fly on the wall

Have you ever felt your life is being bugged? Someone is watching and living to your every word? no, i'm not paranoid. Honestly.

The amount of times a new gadget, fashion accessory, clothing line as come out a few years down the line of mentioning something is unbelieveable.... let alone the story lines on these soap operas lol..

Really, i know that my life must be so boringly normal that it happens over and over in the same context but i often swear theres that lil fly/bug reporting back to headquarters.....

"Fly007 reporting in,The Dodge family are going through major life changes, which includes the mother deciding she really must dress her age"

Hope you're all having a nice weekend, i've done NOTHING i planned todo so far lol but going to enjoy a nice bottle of wkd purple........enjoy :D

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