This day

By snapper

World is my Oyster!

A strange day. Took the day off from work as it is the second anniversary of my fathers passing so it was a day of mixed emotions.

First had to take my sons car to the garage to get the power steering looked at, then ran him to work and popped into the Oran Mor where he works and had a coffee.

Then it was off to look for an electric shower for an old lady back in Argyll which she had seen advertised in Homebase at £74. When I found the pesky shop then the shower and took it to the till the lad said that with be £140! "What I squealed" it said on tinternet it was only £74. Anyhow as is the case with these big shops another assistant came and left with my shower leaving me standing like a lonsome plook at the desk. Finally after what seemed like an eternity she emerged from the shelves bearing two identical boxes muttering "this one is £140 and this one is £74 which one do you want?" now call me stupid or what but I plumbed for the £74 (which was identical in every way to the £140), paid my spondoolaks and beat a sharp exit lest they discover I had managed to find some sort of glitch in their system!

Later on I stopped at Byers road and bought some flowers for the grave from that wee guy who has been selling flowers outside Hillhead library since ever I can remember, indeed his father used to sell them in the foyer of Gartnaval hospital hen I worked there some 35 years ago! God Im getting old!

Went to the cemetary, laid my wee flowers, said a wee prayer to them both being as they died within 4 months of eachother. Then I popped into St Peters and lit a candle. I have to say this year I felt a whole lot better doing this so maybe time does heal though I miss them both very much!

The Rolex belonged to my dad and it was the only thing I can ever remember coveting. I put it on the paw of a teddy to try to get a decent shot but its not the best. I wear it occassionally , its over 45 years old and still keeps perfect time and I love watching the way the second hand gently sweeps round the dial

BAck to ARgyll with daughter#2 and the dogs and to bed soon

Have a good blip weekend all

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