The One I Take Tomorrow..

By tomorrow247

Music is love, trying to find words....


Many apologies for my absence in the past few days! My history AS level is now behind me! This morning was the second half of the course, on Charles I and his Personal Rule. Hopefully everything went well, and at any rate, it's all finished now!

I spent the remainder of my day at school, completely distracting my friends from revision, (sorry guys!) and caught up with a friend who I hadn't spoken to in a while, which was really lovely!

This evening, I headed down to my church for band rehearsal. We are playing in this coming Sunday's evening service, which I am pretty excited about, since it is also a night of baptisms! Anyhow, the rehearsal went pretty well, and at the end, i spent some time taking photos of the building.

This photo I felt, was really good for my blip today. It's of the organ, which is rarely used now, and the roofbeams. I liked the angle of the shot, and the intricate detailing of the wood panels and the roof beams added a different dissection to the blip. The lighting was also different and I thoughht it added some depth to the shot.
Till tomorrow!

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