Unexpected Day...

Normal busy sort of day at work.

Lunch time was different to say the least. I went to the post office and the man in front of me in the cue started talking to me, he seemed familiar but I could not place his face. As I was leaving the post office after posting the big box. I bumped into the man again it was Sid, a very nice man with lots of outrageous and unusual plans to raise money for charity. I hope he gets on well with his fund raising as he is such a character. After that I met up with Mum for a quick bite to eat (no I didn't bite mum we had sausage rolls lol).

This blip for the day is of Russell Brown in front of the TV camera doing something for the local news. It is not a great capture, but the better of the two I took :0)

Hope you have a great weekend :0)

Shona :0)

Ps/ you can spot the tv camera better if you view it BIG :0)

(Posted 18.52 - 20/5/11)

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