michigan man

By outdoorguy

Two Old Geese

38 years ago today...May 19, 1973...I anxiously waited at the end of the aisle for my new bride to make her grand entrance. I waited with my dad,( the minister), 4 friends, and my little brother. Looking back... 7 guys with way too much hair, and way too much length in the sideburns. What were we thinking?

My wife was beautiful. As her and her dad approached, he said, "Here...take her." (That's a lie.) The wedding was nice... the reception was dry... no band or deejay... so people did'nt stick around for long. My grandma made the gorgeous wedding cake. Even Berthie, my great-grandma from Missouri showed up. During the reception, she whispered in my ear that she wanted me to shave the sideburns.

We took off for a honeymoon to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. We did'nt want to go very far after such a full day, so we pulled off the highway in Ann Arbor, Mi. The lousy Elks were in town, and every room was booked.

We ended up in Bowling Green, Ohio. Every time we drive by the exit on the way to Florida, I say, "There it is, honey. That's where we spent our first night of wedded bliss." She used to just smile, but now she says,"Ha, Ha, Ha."

The rest of the honeymoon had a couple of incidents. At Disney World, I was ready to fight either Chip or Dale (the one with the red nose) for looking down my wifes top, and hitting on her. I wondered how many punches he could take in that big chipmunk gut. One of the 7 dwarfs stepped in,(Dopey, I think), and calm was restored. In our hotel room in Ft. Lauderdale, we had a small fridge. We stocked it with a few things, including a 48 oz. can of Hawaiian Punch. I drank 47 ounces of the can, and left her an ounce. She was less than thrilled.

She is a wonderful nurse, wife, mother, and now, grandmother.

Now, we are like 2 geese getting old together. 38 years. Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday, we were bringing little Julie home. Then came Karen and Jeff. Time truly does fly.

If I had it to do over again...I'd cut my hair and shave off the sideburns. I'd rent a normal tux...not one that looked like my grandmothers curtains. Maybe just one punch on Dale, and I would have split the Punch 50-50.

As for my wife....I would marry her again in a nano-second. She is just a wonderful, caring, compassionate person. Besides that, she's cute. God broke the mold after he made her. Lisa......I love you.

P.S. This group of geese broke the pond record for goslings. 20 BABIES!!!!

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