Sweetcorn kernels NEVER break down
I don't mean in tears either ... A fabulous school trip to the sewage works ... Very interesting indeed,I won't go too basic but if I tell you all you see EVERYTHING in the first tank you will get the gist ... I'd say the most bizarre thing was having my packed lunch watching a film with a cartoon bacteria having a chat in a poo vat it was helping to clear of germs ..... Really !!! 5b were as ever a credit to our school, it's lovely we get singled out for praise everytime we take these children out .Shame about the childish helpers ......haaaaahaaaa can you see your poo pippin.. That will mean nothing to anyone who never watched Aunty Mabel and pippin the dog on Come Outside xxxxx
That is my child Eve in front of a vat of poop and fat xxxx
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