A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Thoughtful little fella

Or windy. It's hard to tell.

Lovely morning with my beautiful nephew. Well, as beautiful as a baby who looks like my brother can be ;-). All are doing very well and it was really lovely to get lots of cuddles from such a wee little fella.

I am disproportionately delighted to report that I cycled there and back and am in one piece. I can't convey what a big deal it is for me to cycle in London traffic. And, of course, like most things the thought of it was so much worse than the reality. I even negotiated the much more scary looking than it's innocent name belies, Shepherd's Bush roundabout.

Tonight is our school quiz and, as I mentioned last year, the rubbishiest top prize ever is to organise next year's quiz. The PTA chair and I have concocted a plan that it should be the loser who gets this illustrious prize. Fingers crossed it works. We don't expect to win, or lose for that matter, but I don't like to be disincentivised from even trying.

Lesley x

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