Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Peru Day 6: Another Day, Another Ruin. Or Two

Apparantly today was an easier day than yesterday, but I found it tougher. A steep climb up to the second pass, a steep descent, before another climb up to the third and final pass followed by a very, very steep and long descent into camp.

It was also a really interesting walk as part of it was spent in the Cloud Forest which for me, was my first experience of a rainforest and very impressive it was too. We also passed more Incan buildings and it's amazing how you just come around a corner and wallop, there's an Incan temple or ruin in front of you. This one was part of a much larger one that we spent some time looking around before the last descent. The engineering and building skill of the Incas is a thing to behold.

We also had a couple of tunnels to climb through which was a surprise - and a scary one too!

From the top of this structure, we also got our first glimpse of Machu Picchu - just the mountain, not the city, but it was still exciting.

Almost exciting as the news that tonight's camp not only had beer, but hot showers and <gasp> proper loos, with seats!!

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