The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox

Phoenix in the sky

Morning = revision

Chatted to Gran on the way up to...

Exam at 2:00, questions:

1) Critically evaluate the impact of 'the cultural turn' on social and cultural geography in Britain.

4) Harvey (1990) has argued that "the grapes that sit upon the supermarket shelves are mute; we cannot see the fingerprints of exploitation upon them or tell immediately what part of the world they are from". Critically evaluate this contention with reference to ethical consumerism.

These were the best out of a mixed bunch, we had to do one question each from two sections. The first section questions were all rubbish, the second section questions were all good... ahhh well.

Overall, think it went okay.

Then chatted to Nat for a bit and ran a few geog related errands, met Doug for a brew and walked down the hill talking to Jeff and Mum and Dad (all separately!).

Cooked an amazing pie for tea, all from scratch :) T'was yummy :)

Quick photo on the beach and now bed time, lots planned for tomorrow - and barely any work to do :D

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