Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

Easter weekend in Aberdeen, fun and fraught...

This photo makes me double take because Eve looks so much like me! I love it even so, it captures the fun we had that Easter day at Haddow House for the annual Easter Egg hunt. Great day for the Watson girls!

It also reminds me that the two days before that I had been helping my mum and Dad organise the family home for selling. It first hit home to me that this was it, a chapter was coming to a close. Funny how your familiar home still tugs at the heart strings. The house echos with memories but it feels right, time to let go.

That bubble gun is a great invention, it truly is the pied piper of children, within seconds of Eve shooting it we had a mass of jumping, tumbling children intent on catching bubbles. Ahh, the simplest things!

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