With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Get jiggy

The first of the exams for my classes, and the most difficult for A2 (alternative to practical). I haven't seen the paper yet, but I think we did some good last minute revision. An inspector called and was very pleased (the best school of 22 apparently!).

Quite a long day at work and then back to a clean house and Sollergirl finally joins the 21st century music listening wise. I can now plug my notepad into the new speakers. I had bought them, maybe foolishly, because I thought the little ones for the computer were broken, but no, it's the computer. A bit of thinking and more completing finishing and I solved my problem of never being able to listen to music easily downstairs. Stuff downloaded (thanks again Roxy) onto a pendrive, notepad on and speakers on = Disco after dinner. I know it's another Agu blip, but he got down for us, robotics and all and both boys then gave me a hilarious mime act involving climbing through imaginary holes etc. etc. I know most of the world has been ipodding and MP3ing for years, but I haven't. My revelation feels like just what I need to get on down with dinner. Night night y'all!

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