Roly's Life

By Roly

Can't help but love 'em!

Today could have been awful. Ben is in Abu Dhabi. Bella is stressed about waste of bloody time and effort mock SATs. Ally is, well, Ally. Lily is tired and grumpy. Red has an upset stomach. I ache from doing 3/5 of an exercise DVD on Monday night.

However, it has actually been a good day. I met some friends who are lovely for coffee first thing. After lunch Lily and I planted up all the plants from the table so they are now at the mercy of slugs and chckens!. Then off to school for Gardening Club with the younger 3 while Bella was at Radio Club. I treated us all to Muckies for tea and then we all went out to play in the garden.

We had an absolute scream! One of my imaginary tinterweb friends has been asking about the red wagin so I started off trying to get them to launch each other down the garden. This escalated until they were heading towards me at break neck speeds on scooters, skateboards, wagons.... Then I started filming and Bella decided to add a commentary my goodness the girl can talk!.

And then bedtime, when it all normally goes horribly wrong - but no! Red was quick to bed due to an unfortunate explosion just before tea and therefore an early bath. I then threatened to send them all straight to bed if they didn't take it turns to bath and wash teeth. Worked like a charm and all went to bed at their normal bedtimes without a single hitch!

So now I have everything ready for tomorrow, the kitchen is straight and last night's Holby is lined up on the digibox - and it is not even 9 o'clock!

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