A day at a time....

By Trotsky

In a pot or maceta

All the plants on both our terraces are in pots. The lemon, orange and two apples trees included. As nearly all of the houses are built on the hill and on rock there's no space for gardens as such, so everything gets put into pots.

It includes this bougainvillaea (not an Antonia contribution). The pot was left here when we bought the house. At the time it contained a gorgeous rose but unfortunately it died. It took me ages to get all the earth out of it, as it is huge and the earth it contained must have been in there since the dawn of time. I had thought of stripping the old green paint away or repainting it, but decided I liked the distressed look.

(There's a storm brewing. Black clouds, thunder, lightening. Should make a good show later on!)

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