Goodbye cats. Goodbye house. Hello Europe.

Last morning at home. As I was musing on what to blip I noticed the great light in our dining room and decided to do a shot of home on our departure day. As I was taking pictures Mehitabel decided to walk through adding her shadow to the already interesting shadow patterns. Voila! My blip for today. I plan to add a photo every day while we are traveling. I may not have much time to comment but I will if I can. I'm bringing along my iPad and keyboard so I'll be able to type easily if I get time. We take off today for Chicago and tomorrow for the Netherlands. Our friend will meet us at the airport and we'll go to his and his wife's house in Friesland. Now I am getting excited. Believe it or not I have one more "work" item before we leave this afternoon. I'm going to the Bellingham Music Club Board meeting this morning. I'm secretary and I like to take my own minutes. So I'll be there. Since we are all packed it won't be a problem. Steve comes over today around 1:15 to take us to the airport. I've already got boarding passes for today so we are set to go. So I'll be blipping soon from Europe. (Happy dance.)

Try this one large to see the shadows in more detail.

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