...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Bedtime Routine

Every night we do the same bed time routine. Around 7 o clock we give him a bath, then I feed him and afterwards Mitch will give him a few ounces of formula in a bottle to get him nice and full before bedtime. After all that food, Miles is usually a pretty happy baby, so we have little family conversations and playtime in our room. Last night, Miles would smile and coo as if he knew exactly what we were saying. It was one of my favorite moments as a mom so far.

Then we move the party to his nursery where we read at least one book. Tonight we read perfect pets...and who does that little guy on the cover look like?! That's right, our little Hurley Bear. After book time we swaddle him, turn on his mobile and his night lights and set him down in his crib. And after a few minutes of watching him on the monitor he has usually put himself to sleep. It's pretty awesome that he knows how to make himself fall asleep... And once he's asleep...Mama Bear over here breaks out a glass of wine!

Yep, it's a good routine.

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