
By worldlens


I've learned to be very resourceful living here. Sometimes it's reusing thing in new ways like our dish soap bottle. We make the soap in large quantities and keep it in giant bottles then fill up regular-sized water bottles with the soap, poke a hole in the top of the lid, and it becomes an easy-to-use, squeezable soap bottle.

Today was another day that challenged our resourcefulness. Some students and I needed to soften butter for the cookies we were making. We don't have a microwave, and I was afraid putting it directly on the stove would make it melt all the way. Someone was boiling eggs, so we set a pan over the boiling pot and put the bowl of butter on top. The bowl was beginning to change shape, so we added some newspapers to keep it from getting too hot. It worked! And after a few minutes, we could continue with our recipe.

Another resourceful tip: If you don't have anything to use to take a hot sheet of cookies out of the oven, fold up a newspaper a few times and use that. :)

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