Deeside Diaries

By LadyP

All Cut Up

I found this letter waiting for me on the doormat when I got back from Norway last week.

Today I tried sitting out in my garden to enjoy a bit of sunshine but the noise from this site was unbelievable. There goes my summer - the peaceful atmosphere here has been shredded.

The site they are building on was a field I used for a blip last year: Now a building site. Part of the ever diminishing green belt that surrounds Aberdeen.

The council, in its 'wisdom', decided to rezone this field - despite local objections, despite the fact that the traffic here is appalling during rush hour as it is, and an extra 50+ cars forced onto this one road/roundabout will not help, despite a general lack of infrastructure for these extra properties, despite a small valley running down the edge of the field - where a wee burn runs down into the main river - a highly sensitive wildlife habitat that should be left undisturbed, despite common sense - they did it anyway.

Aberdeen City Council sucks.

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