Dodge'y Blips

By RachelD

Birds do it,

bees do it, even educated fleas do it.......

Not something we get to see too often i think. The shear size of them flying is what caught my attention then they seemed to settle hidden (well kinda) under the bramble leaves..

Did you know bumble bees will do the 'jiggy jigs' from between 10 minutes to 80 minutes...the main deed is actually done within the first 2 minutes of mating, but yet they still continue to mate. (must enjoy it;) ) well they might but the real reason is the male will hold on for as long as it can pumping a sticky mix into the queens genital opening This genital plug takes time to harden, and once hardened can completely or partially block the entry of sperm from other males for up to three days. So even though the two are in a vulnerable position, it is in the interest of the male to hang on to ensure that his genes have a good chance of being passed on to the next generation.

And mostly the queen will only do it once a year :O they then fly off and find somewhere to hibernate. (so they aren't really as frisky as humans huh)

Hope its not too early in the day for such a nature shot.. don't know if theres a watershed when it comes to nature porn lol.

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