
By craftynini

'Fresh as a Daisy'

Or ..... 'Pure and Simple - a bit like myself!

Thanks for the really lovely comments yesterday. I was chuffed with the blip so was pleased so many others liked it too. Many mentioned the lighting. I can now reveal that the light was in actual fact ...... the sun. Yes, the sun. It's a big ball of fire that lives in the sky and makes the flowers grow. I just found it in the garden and decided to use it. It's free too and you don't need to plug it in. But seriously, thank you.

Busy making and doing today, can't tell as it's a secret!

That reminds me, it's my gorgeous husband, opendoor's 365 today.

He won't be posting til he comes back from work tonight. Give him a wave as you're passing through. Happy Blipday to you Paul. xx

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