
By catoblips

door 5 open....

yesterdays blip was a bit confusing for some.....the clue was in the title....

as is todays....

not often church doors are open 24 hrs, but this one was...sadly enough they are closed again just about open sunday again....

for weeks now christians along the Welsh & English border have been praying for each other at 24 hr events... today it was the turn of our town to pray for Llangollen

now the baton has been moved to a place across the border in Wales where a church opened to do the same for our town....and so it goes on all along the border....till it reaches the southern part.....

who knows where it will end......if it does......

We spend an hour there.. it was a good time.....

today my mini moo's came...printed on one side with 20 of my chuffed to bits!!

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