Don't forget the details

Hum, just ordered the hoodie and trousers for my last year in high school. Ironically, the hoodie's colour is red (as the hoodie guy told me), but to me it looked like this. (Guess how long I searched for something I don't know a word for on the web, lol.)

Will have two exams this week, English and Swedish. I bet English will be a piece of cake as it always is to me, though I haven't been very awake at the lessons lately. Anyroad, I don't quite like the way English is taught here - or is it just me who have learned its basics in my early childhood? Well, probably, but what's the real point of swotting long lists of prepositions or odd rules you never actually remember? Argh, don't make things too difficult, please! That's not a good way, not at all.

I've always thought that you can learn anything if you really want to. I do handle nine languaes, which of three in an excellent way, three well and three passably. Okay, I admit, my Irish is in rust, but that's because I don't personally know many who can speak it. However, using any language daily is the best way of embracing it.

Cool, I just found my suitcase today! Guess I should pack and weigh it at least once before Saturday morning, when our class trip to Seville, Spain, starts. By the way, the other day I was thinking it would be cool to be able to speak Spanish. Though I don't have much time, I could take some courses next Autumn. Mmm, let's think about that more later!

So, summertime starts soon, although it's been cold and cloudy past these days. Only fortnight of school left, actually, and then it's two and a half months of LAZYNESS, since I decided to refuse most of my summer job offers (but not producing honeycombs at my relatives' honey farm, because it's a neat job to do).

I heard my friend is going to army next July, which he doesn't actually want to do, but in this land every male person must do that or the non-military service in spite of prison sentence. That's a really odd decree, isn't it? Not equal at all and you must take one out of those three if you happen to be a healthy male person. I'm feeling little guilty about saying this, but I'm happy I was born female.

Ps. I'm more into football (soccer), but I played this ice hockey song in the centre radio at school, as I had to have the morning opening today. After all, it is such rare that Finland makes it to gold medal in any sport, so maybe it was worth it.

Pps. Still the best.

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