In Between Days

By jase

Clock Tower

The clock tower of Leeds Town Hall taken as I walked through Millennium Square at lunchtime. Evidence that I took off for lunch five minutes early...shhh! I had reason to be off early - I had managed to get a free Lego voucher from a Sun reader at work so I headed towards WH Smith's in town in order to claim my pirate ship. But alas, when I got there they had all gone. The day was saved however by Nana, who turned up in the evening just to give Louis one such ship.

I don't know if all families do this but we have different names for grandparents. My mum is Nana and L's mum is Grandma. Stops the kids getting confused (or should that be the grown ups?). The odd thing is Nana is Nana to all her grand kids and the same goes for Grandma. I also think Grandma would be mortified if she was ever called Nana but I think my mum quite likes it.

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