Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Half empty or half full?

An uncomfortable night ended with thirst and tiredness; countered with two glasses of water and yoga. The feeling of starting the day began with the smell of hot iron on clothes, sound of beating eggs in a bowl, a more exciting sound of them sizzling in the pan and chai boiling in the adjoining pot ... the daily rituals to be performed over and over again.

Driving to work was surprisingly enjoyable, maybe because the peak traffic hour was over. The Software Engineering class in which I was supposed to discuss 'design concepts' was spent in giving the students a much needed pep talk on ethics ... wondering if it will have a long lasting effect on them, if at all. The next knock on my door was of a student who wanted help in debugging her program. As the chillers were not working again today, I left early and came home intending to work from home. Instead, I entered the kitchen after having lunch and started helping Madiha. Now, I am writing this and then will rest for a while.

Agenda for the evening:

1. Visit to the hospital.
2. Cooking and cleaning.
3. Grading and lecture preparation.
4. Embroidery, if time permits.

For the record, the weather today is 45 degree Celsius with 11% humidity, so the thought of an outdoor blip remained a thought. This is Sandalwood Sharbat, which is very popular here for beating the heat during the summers.

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