wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


He's getting the hang of the outdoors now, although generally prefers to be with us outside, so follows me around as I collect fire kindling, then back inside. That doesn't worry us at all though - we'd quite like him to prefer to be inside than out. I've just turned a nice little patch of earth for him, put some kitty litter in, and stood him in it. Now hopefully we'll be able to get him to start going out there... I suspect moving his current tray to outside might be required, but perhaps, just maybe, he'll figure it out for himself...

Not much going on today, apart from stalking the cat around the garden (although he more stalks me...). This morning in class my lecturer fell into the age of trap of assuming that because my name starts with 'I', it must be Ingrid. You wouldn't believe how many times I've been called that over the years. This particular lecturer was doing very well - she seemed to have my name all remembered from very early on. My friends reckon it's because I'm always asking for people to speak up - seminar style lectures + softly spoken people in the front + the back row = missing half the class. Usually I ask for people to speak louder with the encouragement of everyone around me. Anyway, I digress. Today, I put up my hand to answer a question and she said "Yes Ingrid?" I felt like I was back in high school - it was always Ingrid, Iris or Ita there. Automatically I replied "Imogen. The third criterion is...."

When I relay a story about being called the wrong name, you know it's been a slow day. Should probably get on with reading about Antarctic Law now. Essay due this week - big in value, but small in word count, but also large in interest - how the law should (or whether it should) regulate the Antarctic tourism industry.

Apologies to anyone waiting for comments from me. They're going to be few and far between until I go on holidays on the afternoon of the 9th of June. If you receive a flurry from me, it means I should be studying. But I do try to keep up with looking at journals at least. :)

Pippin's just worked out what happens when you stand too close to the end of a window sill. *Scrabble scrabble whoosh thunk* He's fine - it's not too big a drop. He may have jumped actually...

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