A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Boy on bike near river

Yet again it's a quick Sunday blip before Dr Who. It's starting. I'm lost already.

Okay, it's been paused and will be restarted so I can record a lovely, if very noisy morning at my godson's 7th birthday party, a chilled out lunch at home and a 5.5 mile cycle with the boy. Our longest ride yet and he did really well. Was long enough for today but he's requested the next ride be 10miles. He might outlast me very soon. Either that or I should do sneaky training whilst he's asleep.

Have missed commenting on all your journals this weekend. Hope everyone's had a good one. Will look forward to finding out during the week.

Okay, back to the Dr...

Lesley x

Ps - backblipped yesterday if you are interested in Anna's new skill.

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