My amazing world

By Melvinwhittle

It is just moss.

Well I have had a nice day today I went to work this morning at 04:00 a little later than the rest of the week as it is Sunday and even Warburtons can not make shops open earlier on a Sunday (I do love working Sunday's). Then I picked up my daughter Alicia and went to my sister Kathy's for lunch and a good old chat so it has been a really nice day. I would have liked to see cherry to round it off as a perfect day but hey not even I can have it all.
Any way enough about my day here is a photo of some moss growing on a wall it always amazing me just how beautiful things can be if you take a close look a bit like the people we meet. Try and take the time to get to know a new person this week or just put a smile on the face of a stranger.

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