pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

Some time tomorrow

I'll be going through that. Hopefully.

Those were my first thoughts on seeing that gate!

Was really excited to be going up to London to meet some people I'd not seen in a while. Kinda didn't want to think about the whole having to walk 26.2 miles bit though ;-)

Lots of great moments - while waiting for a couple of our party at Waterloo, a random stranger came up and gave us a fiver for the charity, and then the cabbie didn't charge us full fare, saying to give the rest to the charity too.

Moonwalk city was fab. Chaos but fab. Great atmosphere. Bit like a festival but without the beers. Lots of standing around chatting, lots of queueing (loos, shop, bag drop, dinner!).

And then it got dark. And cold. Oh so very cold indeed. Blowing a gale too. I was set to go in the second start but chose to walk with a friend who was a later start - if (big if!) I ever choose to do this again, I'll definitely pick the first start! Anyhoo, me and L were in our jumpers, trews, with our plastic pacamacs on and space blankets wrapped round us, and we were still freezing. Did I mention it was cold? Thought my hands were going to drop off. All I could see in my mind's eye was my nice warm pair of gloves. Just where I left them at home :-/ Good thing about the late start though is that the queue for the loo had practicallt vanished ;-)

And then they called us, and we went to the start. Thousands of us - that bit was at midnight though, so I shall write more on tomorrow's entry!

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