The Deer Hunter
Another day of extremes, well at least as far as the weather is concerned.
So rather than mope around the house we decided to get wrapped up and face the elements. We packed up the jeep and went on long rough-ish walk which gave me my first chance to have a serious go at the new camera. By that I mean tripod, long exposures etc.
Worked a treat. I'm just loving it.
It also gave the Wonder Dog a chance to chase deer, we saw loads, and generally mess around in peat bogs.
We also found a dead stag. It looked as if it had died just before we arrived, maybe from a fall as it's head was lying at a very strange angle. There were no sign of scavengers, foxes, ravens etc so it couldn't have been lying for long. Ruaridh did a remarkable thing ,when he found the animal - he just stood beside it until I arrived.
No sniffing or pulling at it just standing there.
So a full and interesting day despite the weather.
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