Oor Trev's Journal

By oortrev1


Day of rest ? whats that ? spent most of this afternoon ripping into the back garden, bagging all of winters plant fatalities, digging & sweeping puffing & panting then digging & sweeping more, we somehow managed to amass 6 full green garden bags full of to dump stuff !.

So it was down with the back seats & plastic sheeting laid in the car & off to the dump we headed, its only around 2 miles from our house however there is nothing worse than trying to drive with escaped spiders & flies buzzing & crawling around behind you :-(, suffice to say we made it to the journeys end to deposit our waste in the appropriate re-cycle area, job done !.

As we were leaving I spotted a poor Buzz Lightyear lying on top of the general household waste skip, I couldn't resist a wee photo ! (lets hope he escapes safely later on just like in the movie :-)

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