Pretty Flowers Dry blip Day I'm Afraid ....

Might change this later ... as Shy chose this one and I actually prefer a B/W one ...but then again I probably won't

Tomorrow will be hitting the ground running again as Abigail and Neil meet with the Doctors to make a difficult decision regarding Archie .. which is whether to stay in hospital longer ,the pay off being that he does come out WITHOUT oxygen . or to come out next week , the pay off being that everyone can more or less get back on track with their lives.
To this end I have said to Abigail if it's a question of an extra month or so then I do not mind carrying on as before if the trade off is an oxygen free Archie compared to say perhaps a YEAR on the oxygen at home ... She's gone away girded for to tomorrow .. and I have developed a glorious head cold in response.
AAAGH :0...

Tonight Little Old England and Wales is expecting a great big storm ..luckily Shy is here tonight so I don't care ...much

What a dreadful, muddled and boring entry ...apologies folks Oh shut up Flick go and watch 'Songs of Praise ' ..NOT

Do not scratch out the words ..oh big bottoms ....:(

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