My Aim is True


Gorgeous Gorgie

Shame this is not "scratch 'n' sniff". You'd get the full benefit of the smell of Edinburgh breweries on damp winter evenings. The smell permeates the whole of the city centre, but especially Gorgie. And I think the steam in this photo is from the brewery.

Lazy afternoon in the house watching the BBC's stunning Swan Lake.

Then off to a mate's for pasta and wine.

Still mulling over yesterday's experience. As I was about to leave a shop I saw someone walk past who looked like an much older version of an old flame - fatter, uglier and middle-aged! (But still an arrogant look) Then I realsied that it was in fact the "old flame"....18 years older! And this is the person who at the time I was convinced was "the one". Why did I think that ? We had nothing in common.

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