Planko's Pics

By planko


14 years ago today, the love of my life Miss M said "I do" and became Mrs P.

She is my rock, best friend, lover and I can't imagine growing old and wrinkly without her.

We got married in the Dominican Republic so after the ceremony it was down the steps to the beach for photographs and to cool down. It was very windy going down the steps so i took advantage and lifted the back of my kilt to let some cool breeze in :)

So today's offering is a beach shot. Only usable one i got in before the heavens opened and my blipping was rained off.

Early posting for me since it's Eurovision tonight. Bottles of rose chilling in the fridge, M&S meal deal away to go in the oven (since we cant go away because of Pesky P's foot). Let the cheesy songs commence.

Love you Mrs P.



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