
By rogerthedodger


I asked a friend, art historian Richard Read, who's a pretty laid back character, to drop around so I could test my studio space on him. I felt the best shot was taken as we relaxed over a green tea and gossip. I showed Richard yesterday's Blip pic and he immediately identified the picture painted by the pavement artist as 'Le Radeau de la Meduse', which he says " ... hangs in the Louvre and is the size of a football pitch". He also gave a very knowledgable history of the origins of the painting. Not enough space here to repeat it but it may be worth a Google search if you're interested.(And all credit to Cider12 who got in first with the ID yesterday).
Rest assured the image won't be washed away by rain as it's actually on a huge sheet of canvas which the artist rolls up and carts off every day. We don't do rain down here anyway!

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