
By everydayness

Waiting for mommy

Picked up R from the airport last night and saw these guys standing there watching the planes ... waiting for the one carrying their mom. Every time they saw a plane land they jumped up and down with excitement shouting "it's mommy, it's mommy!". It was pretty sweet to watch.

Afterwards we went to our favourite cocktail bar and had a bite to eat as well as a few drinks (obviously).

I had worked on my two design assignments all day but didn't feel satisfied with the outcomes at all which left me feeling anxious and a little testy even. Do you know of these moments when you do things or behave a certain way which you know is completely stupid and you don't even know why you behave in such a silly way or do these incredibly silly things but you can't seem to stop? ARGH! And it's no ones fault really, it's all in my head. I guess this moving and getting used to this new way of life is stressing me out more than I had expected it would *sigh* I had never thought that readjusting would be so difficult for me.

I am confident though that these things will sort themselves out and in a few month time I will look back and laugh about all this and my silly self!

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