Candlemaker Row

The sun made a late entrance into a very chilly morning, and not before I captured Candlemaker Row early enough for there to be no parked vans or cars - a rare event.

Today his Lordship and I are off on another highland break. This ability to down tools and vamoose is one of the joys of retirement, helping in some way to mitigate the downside of getting older; not that we admit to getting older, just a little weathered around the gills.

This time we are heading north to Boat of Garten, a small village north of Aviemore and sitting in a valley between the Cairngorm and the Monadhliath mountains.

We are hoping to do some cycling in the area, and some catching up with son #1 and family in Moray.

Having just seen the next few days weather forecast of rain and showers, I suspect that not much cycling will take place, but there is no shortage of places to visit and things to do even if the weather is bad, and there is always the Mountain Cafe in Aviemore where the cakes are to die for.

We may even spot the eagles at Loch Garten having managed to miss the ones nesting about 500yds away from our cottage at Loch Awe. Very careless.

But before we leave, I am looking forward to having coffee with fellow blippers, Digitaldaze and Barrioboy who are in Edinburgh today.
The latter is a loyal commenter on my blips and a valued critic. I'm looking forward to their visit.

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