
By halfmousey

Bunking class

Bern and I teach two different groups of reluctant middle school boys on Saturdays. It can often be like pulling teeth, and finding new ways of overcoming their shyness and (understandable) lack of passion for their weekend classes, has been frustrating challenging. Today, it was a beautiful morning, and with the school owner out of town and the keys to the school in my pocket we all bunked classes. We played basketball in the sunshine and treated them to their first/our 2000th Baskin Robbins icecream. Ok, not the most productive class, but maybe some ice broken?! Poor kids. They need a break once in a while!!

Also today, I was mighty proud to be selected as one of the new Staff Blips Of The Week. Whooooop!!! I haven't won an award since my wobble-along-a-low-beam-and-starjump-off-the-end got me my BAGA Two at gymnastics club.

Thanks Blipfoto.

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