Portrait in Blue

It's almost 1am in the morning and I'm glad yesterday is finally over. For once it felt like Friday the 13th was a bad omen. Frustrating and tiring. It started with Hotmail deciding to block my account because it had been compromised or something. I tried to reinstate it but you have to have a new registration number emailed to you. I can't access my emails and the only other address they have for me is an obsolete work one and you can't update it. So you click help and it takes you to a page of questions and you click the relevant question and it takes you back to the page you started at. So you search the forums and try to ask a question ... but it insists you must log in to do that. But of course I can't because I don't have an email address. So I search for someone who may have had a similar question and find someone who was desperately trying to find a human being to talk to and ask for help - Microsoft's reply was "we find it more effective to respond via emails". So I'm stuck. Can't believe how many things are linked into that and will need changing. I can't even delete the account.

I officially hate Hotmail ....

The day didn't get much better and seemed to be full of frustrations for everyone I met. Seeing Scottish Dance Theatre in the evening made me feel calm and relaxed again though ... lovely people, inspiring art. Toby, Amy, Emma, James, Naomi ... not many of them left that I know now. Happy memories. Made me long for Dundee.

Have to head to Deddington in the evening to feed poor abandoned Batman ... his cat feeder didn't work so he's starving.

Me in blue ... feels appropriate for today. Missing Jules ... he's in Germany this weekend.

Has everyone else had a Friday 13th type of day? Hope not ... roll on the weekend.

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