Dog Challenge Friday

Didn't see a single dog today, so I merged our 3 sadly departed family dogs and took a photo of them - hence the rubbish quality.

From left to right Tanya, Tara and Henry - Tanya arrived first at around 6 weeks; her mother died when she was less than 24 hours old so she was lucky to survive as she was hand reared and she adopted my brother; Tara followed around 3 years later and chose me - she was another lucky girl - having survived distemper as a small puppy and then after she was spayed when the vet removed the stitches the scar split open she disembowelled which was swiftly followed my an emergency operation she wasn?t expected to survive but she did (although she suffered nightmares and used to wake up looking at her stomach - actually it gave me nightmares too I can still play it out from start to finish in my head).

After Tanya died at a reasonable doggie age Tara went into a depression; so dad bought Henry who put a spring back into her (Tara) paws and eventually she died a very old dog quietly by dad?s feet. Henry has also since passed again of old age just like Tara by my dad?s feet as he watched TV and now my parents have two small West Highland terrier rescue dogs.

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