Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Write out 50 times " I am not a stalker &quot

Ok before we go any further this is not serious

I am not a stalker

This is day 5 of the gang's Blip challenge: Celebrity Crush ( whose bloody idea was today's challenge.... )

As a fellow challengee has said, it's pretty hard to get the celebs themselves to appear . I mean I realise that Blip is global but I wager that U2's security may have a thing or two to say about Bono popping round here for a coffee and burnt bread roll ( was going to say homemade cake but the last thing out of my oven was bread).

So take one photo frame, one printed image ( I definetely did not print this on work's paper or do it in work's time ), one peony and one woman who is really old enough not to wish that Jim'll Fix It still existed so that she could write and beg in a very undignified manner ask to meet the main man.

Very sad indeed but that was the challenge and it brought a smile to my face

Irish accent, great music great combo.

]another all time favourite song

It could have been worse. It could have been Jimmy Nail, Brian Cox , Martin Shaw, Tony Adams, Dr David Owen or David Dimbleby.

That's all.

I may Blip something sensible tommorow, Then again, maybe not

Merry Friday.

ps it is not staying in the frame !!

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