Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Friday Smiles

Big Smiles

Well a shite day ended well with this little gem. These are the Carlsberg horses that take a trip round town every friday. Apparently they stop for a drink or two at the last pub before the stables, which is where I found them this evening whilst despairing over what to Blip tonight. There were four drivers and two wagons taking a little break outside this little værtshus (seedy pub). I asked if I could take a picture (in English to go for the pathetic tourist angle). This request started a pub-wide bit of banter that ended up with Rene(pictured) calling this obliging blondine over who's boyfriend made many obscene observant comments from the side.

They are such fine looking beasts that I took a few shot before building up enough nerves to ask for a pic. Just have a look at the camera hungry blond in my blipfolio. for a really good shot (imho).

Scratched the prism on my viewfinder while trying to clean the bugger today. I can still take photos (see above) but I have a huge (and I mean massive) black smear accross the viewfinder and liveview. We have a two year guarantee on all products sold in Denmark - I hope this is covered. I'll try and find out tommorow.

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