Linford Christie

It was sponsored sports day at the girls' school today and they had sporting activities all day. They are trying to raise enough money to buy a new mini bus for the school.
At the end of the day, Linford Christie came to talk to all the kids and then answered a few of the kids' questions. The last question asked was "can you run for us?" He raced with some of the kids.

My son didn't have to wear his school uniform today (aka mufty day).

I woke up at 5am with very sore heels. I have been neglecting my feet and the skin on my heels have cracked. Tonight, I shall paste them in vaseline and sleep in my socks.

Hubby has bought a new gadget that monitors our energy usage. He can log onto some web site and see how much electricity we're using (men and their gadgets ??) and the usage is beautifully presented as a graph.
At 1am this morning, 3KW of electricity was being used (which is quite a lot). We were all fast asleep. Who's boiling the kettle in my kitchen at that time of night ?

Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments on my 365 blip yesterday. I will get round to thanking you all individually in time

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