
By ausmossie

Women's Day

It was a 'little' crowded on the Central Street Mall today. Today in China (and maybe other places, I am not sure) is Women's Day. I think it's a great idea to celebrate Women's Day. There were thousands of women on Central Street. They were all handing out advertising material but I didn't actually catch anything. Besides being a man (OK overgrown boy) I am a foreigner and people rarely hand me stuff that is written in Chinese.

Every year, March 8th is Women's day. Bosses give all their female gifts. The gifts, from what I have heard and seen, are usually things like a nice shampoo and conditioner or flowers or other girly stuff. If it is a weekday, the women get a half day off work. Kinda neat. Today being a Saturday.. they didn't get it though.

I have a feeling that a lot of people think China is actually this crowded all the time.. It's only that way on special occasions.

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