Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Hunting for Pollen

Another of those wild , windy , wet days. Apart from Oscar's long walks and the occasional foray into thegarden for a blip photo I was doing one of those jobs I kep meaning to get round to, clearing out the bookshelves. A wonderful trip down memory lane sorting through the children's books ( the "children are now 41, 39 and 28 ) . What memories they brought back of cosy story times on days and evenings like this. However I had promised to be ruthless. i did manage to fill a box with doublers for the charity shop but most of the books ended back on the shelves for our granchildren. Tomorrow I promise to sort through mine.

Today I did manage some butterflies , bees and what looked like an earwig. Pleased with the macro setting on the lens but had to be very patient waiting for the wind to die down . Every time I tried to get a shot I swear a wind goblin was either making the wind blow or was shaking the flowers. However my persevrance paid off and I was pleased with af ew shots which are definitely keepers. This bee covered in pollen won the decision to upload.
Hope you all ahd a good day.

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