Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Keeping it UP

In 1948, this Hung Far Low sign was erected in what was then Portland's vital China Town. By 2008, China Town had moved out, except for a couple of die-hard dim sum places, and the district had become the site of missions and soup-kitchen-cum-treatment centers for homeless people. The building that had once housed Hung Far Low was falling apart. The sign was taken down.

But Portlanders missed their sign and wanted to keep it up, so they began a campaign to "Re-erect Hung Far Low" with its own website. The campaign was successful; $15,000 was raised, and although the building is still empty and deserted, the sign has been successfully re-hung.

Currently an effort to support Portland schools by means of an increased property tax is drawing scanty support. Some ideas are sexier than others.

I hadn't visited the Forum till this week's horrible news, but I guess this suits the "Up" challenge. My first time to try a challenge.

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