Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Thursday: Mojo

So, today I would like to talk about my Blip mojo - yes, I would.  It seems to be lacking at the moment......and I can't quite find it.  I suppose this will happen every once in a while, but this is the first time for me since I started.  I suppose that I need to get used to the idea that not every blip can be the best or the most interesting.      

Blip shouldn't be about pressure, right?  I just need to find a way to record the days when I don't have a historic building plonked right in front of me, and when nothing very exciting happens.  I wouldn't really like to get into missing days as, for me, this is as much about a record, as improving my photography.  I kept a diary for about 24 years (I learnt to write at the age of 2.....), and always liked having a record of what I had been up to.    

This is Osterley House in West London, my nearest stately home, but not actually my home........lucky for me that someone did plonk a historic building in front of me today.

P.S.:  Have just reread this a little later - what a pile of tosh!!  Booky is a fool - of course there is something to be captured every day, in the best way possible.  Even looking round the house now, I am seeing loads of possibilities.  Tsk - foolish Booky.

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