Homeward Bound

So, home again - and this time, without mishap! In fact, a damn near perfect sail, right into the harbour. A tidy up and up town we went, like men who'd been at sea for months. Skirt to chase! Rum to drink and a game of soccer to take in. Sadly, the last bit was too true. A despairingly gruesome load of nonsense. Rubbish football, atrocious refereeing and a bile filled cauldron of ugly sentiment. Did I ever care for this? Has it changed or have I? Perhaps if we'd won, I'd have thought it all to be most excellent entertainment?
Anyway, AJ and I supped a couple of beers and discussed the state of the nation and drank a toast to the sadly deceased David Cairns MP, who died yesterday aged just 44. Time for bed. No whistling halyards to disturb my sleep tonight. See that bloody football though? don't get me started...

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