Jail Time

I had occasion to visit North Belfast this morning and passed Crumlin Road jail while I was there. The modern top section of this structure is one of the military style pillboxes added to the jail in the 70s at the height of The Troubles, as the '69-'94 civil conflict is known here, as the jail was a regular target and the subject of a number of jailbreaks over the years. It now stands derelict and is being refurbished as a future tourist attraction, with Belfast City Council already permitting some access currently. As I was parked on a double yellow line at the entrance to the hospital next door, I had to make my own escape fairly sharpish, so I had little time to have a look around.
One friend of mine is a prison officer and was based for some years in this jail. He was part of a team that sat all day in riot gear just in case something happened - fairly tedious I imagine, in fact a bit of a sentence in itself.
Inside is definitely on my Blippertunities list when the place is opened to the public; that's if I haven't already been sentenced to a stay At Her Majesty's Pleasure in some other establishment for writing really cloying and skin curdling write-ups on my Blips ;)

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